
Water Facts

Water is The Source of Life

Do you know?
1. 75% of the earth surface is water
2. 75% of the human body is also water

"How concerned are you about the water you are drinking?"

Water facts

  • 1. Water is one of the best tools for weight loss
  • 2. Drinking a good amount of quality water could lower your risks of a heart attack
  • 3. Being dehydrated can sap your energy and make you feel tired
  • 4. Drink quality water can clear up your skin

Secret of the Top 3 Villages in Longevity

According to research, the world’s top 3 villages in longevity are

1. Yuzurihara Village in Japan
2. Antilles Mountain In South America
3. Caucasus in Soviet Union

People of these 3 villages live an average of 10 years longer than those living in the lowlands. Scientists have discovered that the main reason is due to the water that they drink. By doing field trips, scientists found out that the water sources of these villages contain vast amounts of energy minerals.

These minerals cause vibrations in the water, thus leading to smaller water molecules. These molecules are smaller than those found in tap water, highly permeable, easily absorbed and contain 3 times more oxygen that tap water. The result is that the villagers are energetic, strong, do not get sick easily and thus naturally have a longer lifespan.

PuriV™ premium water purification system converts your tap water into High Energy Living Water or π-water with its 5-Channel Filter Elements & 10-Layer Filtration technology. This is the secret of water in the three longevity villages.